2016 Digital Instruments Preliminiary
Off-the Shelf Instruments Cost efficitive, ready-to-use instruments Flexible deployment - in the field or on the bench-top GP-DSP...

An XMC module with two, 5.1 GSPS, 16-bit DAC's, PLL, 8 GB DDR4 and Xilinx UltraScale FPGA.
Innovative Integration, a trusted supplier of signal processing and data acquisition hardware and software solutions, today announced the...

詮能科技參展 TADTE 2015
詮能科技今年首次參加2015 台北國際航太暨國防工業展,在四天會展中展出了美國Innovaitve Integration 公司最新推出之一系列高速AD/DA FMC板卡、Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGA內核之ePC-K7,...